Perceivable Truths and their alternative views (versus people's perceptions)
The above figure is a perspective view of the pie chart on page 2. It shows the underlying composition of Perceivable Reality
as well as people's perceptions. It shows the Perceivable Reality slice of the Ultimate Reality pie comprised of slivers of
Perceivable Truths, each of which specifies what humanity knows and does not know about a particular aspect of Ultimate Reality.
For example, the first sliver (a) might be Perceivable Truth about how our solar system was formed, and this sliver is comprised
of the spectrum of current alternative views of solar system formation (b). Each alternative view is represented by a different
color, and the size of the color is proportional to the probability of the view being consistent with Ultimate Reality.
The alternative views and their probabilities comprising each Perceivable Truth depend on a theoretical, perfect,
unbiased assessment of all the related
evidence. Therefore, people cannot know many of the important complex perceivable truths. We can only approximate them.
We can know simple Perceivable Truths when the related evidence leads to just one possible view.
For example, we know with near certainty that the first manmade satellite to orbit Earth was the Russian Sputnik 1.
There is no credible evidence in the public domain to support another view. Conversely, Perceivable Truths that are complex
due to many possible interpretations of the evidence have many alternative views with low probabilities of being correct.
The following page discusses in more detail the alternative views and probabilities comprising a Perceivable Truth.
The above figure is a very simplified representation of Perceivable Reality. It shows less than
100 of the endless number of Perceivable Truths comprising Perceivable Reality. Most Perceivable Truths pertain to unimportant
aspects of Ultimate Reality, such as the enrollment at our first school. On the other hand, certain "key aspects" of Ultimate Reality
are particularly important in shaping people's perceptions of reality (i.e. their world views). These important aspects include
the following: the origins and composition of matter; the origins of life; the nature of consciousness;
the causes of evil and good; the existence of gods or other supernatural influences on Earth; and the degrees to which
people have free will. These aspects of great interest tend to be difficult to understand due to their complexity and/or lack of
verifiable evidence. Because these aspects of Ultimate Reality are poorly understood, they lend themselves to a wide variety of
alternative views. Many of the views have millions of followers who are certain that their alternative view accurately represents
Ultimate Truth about the origins of matter, life, etc. This is obvious evidence that influences much stronger than logic shape the
perceptions and world views of many people.