Consequences of the relationship between a body's absolute velocity and its internal energy
     Figure 5 shows the patterns of wave/particle energy between atoms located 2 ls apart on the x axes of four inertial reference frames moving in the +x direction with absolute velocities of 0 ca, .6 ca, .8 ca, and .9 ca. As in Fig. 4, each atom emits a photon every .2 s according to the clocks in its reference frame. The patterns in the reference frames having absolute velocities va=0 ca and va=.6 ca are the same as in Fig. 4. Figure 5 shows that the asymmetry of the pattern of wave/particle energy increases as the absolute velocity of a reference frame increases. The shorter the velocity vector length in Fig. 5, the greater the blueshift and energy of the photon.
     Within bodies in the four reference frames of Fig. 5, the patterns of wave/particle energy would be similarly asymmetrical in the direction of absolute motion. When va=.9 ca, the asymmetry ratio is 19 as shown and as specified by Eq. (23). When va=.99 ca, the asymmetry ratio is 199 and when va=.999 the asymmetry ratio is 1999. Therefore, as the absolute velocity of a body approaches ca, the pattern of the body's internal energy becomes very asymmetrical. Far more wave/particle quanta of energy are moving in the direction of the body's absolute motion than in the opposite direction, and these quanta have very high energies due to their Doppler blueshifts. Very little energy is moving in the opposite direction in the body or in the qm. Figure 5 and Eq. (28) indicate why a body cannot be accelerated to the speed of light, ca. The energy of the energy-carrying quanta moving in the direction of absolute motion would become infinite.
     Figure 5 suggests that a body's "inertia" is caused by the body's pattern of internal energy. Changing the pattern of internal energy in a body requires a force and work, regardless of the asymmetry of the pattern. The pattern of internal energy is analogous to a flywheel. Regardless of the speed of rotation or the direction of rotation of a flywheel, work is required to change the speed. Similarly, changing a body's constant velocity motion through the qm requires a force and work to change the pattern of internal energy of the body, whether the work makes the pattern more or less symmetrical or increases or decreases the internal energy of the body.
     Figure 5 indicates why the rate of a mechanical clock should depend on the clock's absolute velocity. Suppose that reference frame A of Fig. 1 contained a mechanical clock consisting of a flywheel having a mass of 1 kga. Let the flywheel's axle be parallel to the Ax axis, and let the flywheel's rate of rotation be 1 revolution per sa. A mark on the flywheel allows observers in A to count each revolution and thus count seconds in A.
     Now let a force at one end of the axle accelerate the axle and rotating flywheel in the +x direction to a velocity va=.6 ca. The flywheel is then in reference frame B. The flywheel's diameter will not have changed but its mass will be 1.25 kga according to Eq. (28). Assuming that the flywheel's angular momentum is conserved and is unchanged (because there were no forces on the flywheel which would change the angular momentum), the flywheel's rate of rotation must be rv or .8 times the at-rest rate. Therefore, one rotation of the flywheel in B is 1.25 sa. Although the change in the flywheel's thickness does not affect the rate of rotation, changes in dimensions in mechanical clocks can affect the clocks' rates.

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