About this website
This website is about trying to understand reality to the extent we are capable of learning about ourselves and the rest of our universe. It is based on the assumption that the most realistic reality available to people is the reality based on all relevant evidence and sound reasoning about the evidence. The website is divided into the following sections.

Perceivable Reality
In recent centuries the relevant evidence about reality has greatly increased, so there is less need to go through life mistaken or confused about reality and more opportunity to create realistic interpretations of the available evidence. Perceivable Reality is comprised of the many aspects of reality (e.g. the causes of living things, humanity, consciousness, aging, diseases, greed, love, and the endless number of less important aspects with which people are concerned), and each aspect includes all the realistic interpretations of the relevant evidence, as well as all the less probable interpretations. This theoretical reality, having all these different interpretations of the evidence, and each interpretation having an associated probability of being true as indicated by the evidence, is far too large and complex to comprehend. An approximation of the most important parts of this complex reality may be the best reality available to us and it is discussed in the Perceivable Reality section of this website.

This reality helps people appreciate the difficulty of understanding reality, which includes three distinct levels of reality, Ultimate Reality, Perceivable Reality, and people's perceptions of reality. The Perceivable Reality view helps realize that many aspects of Ultimate Reality cannot now be sensed because they are too small or too distant to detect or there is otherwise no evidence about them. For example, we lack crucial evidence about conditions on Earth in the distant past showing how life came into existence and changed over time. Consequently, the incomplete available evidence can be interpreted in many ways, as you know.
This website also pertains to the illusions people have that are inconsistent with perceivable reality. We are all familiar with many illusions that harmed people in various ways. Human sacrifices to gods, and wars due to illusions are examples. History shows that illusions can slow human progress, and current evidence indicates that atomic weapons, or other dangerous technologies in the hands of people with dangerous illusions could eventually cause the end of humanity. Perceivable Reality is a method for trying to distinguish between unrealistic illusions and realistic perceptions of reality. If this method were widely understood and provided to children eager to learn about their universe, it would help bring people together and improve the outlook for humanity because history shows that ignorance of our environments and ourselves generally makes life less understandable and more difficult.

Quantum Medium View (a.k.a. qm view)
The qm view section of this website, including the linked qmview.net website, shows that science is not immune from illusions. It shows that some very important parts of orthodox physics theory are probably wrong. It shows that the generally accepted "law" of constant light speed, c, is very likely an illusion. Relativity theory is based on this law. This is why relativity theory has strange aspects, such as having to combine units of distance and units of time in our universe into the artificial concept of spacetime.

This section shows in detail that people are wrong who believe that relativity theory must be correct because it agrees with the extensive body of related experimental evidence. It shows that agreement with experimental evidence only means that a theory may be a correct representation of nature. This section shows that the qm view is probably a much more realistic representation of nature because, in addition to agreeing with the experimental evidence, the qm view explains logical physical causes for a wide range of phenomena that relativity theory cannot explain, and it does not have illogical consequences such as relativity's consequence of being able to travel back in time and change the course of history and even prevent our birth. It shows that modern physics theory probably contains other illusions, constant light speed, c, being the most obvious.

Philosophy of Science
This leads to the philosophy of science section of this website which pertains to how science contributes to our understanding of nature, a matter of great importance to everyone because our quality of life depends on our understanding of nature. It pertains to a controversial academic matter concerning the meaning of scientific theories and the criteria for judging them. Physicists tend to regard theories that are completely consistent with all experimental evidence and other observed phenomena as "proven" and the theories can become "laws" that are believed to be good representations of nature. But history shows that proven theories can result in fundamentally wrong conclusions about the causes of the physical evidence. It shows that evidence can be misleading and cause great misunderstandings of nature. Therefore, in addition to consistency with physical evidence, good theories need to have other qualities discussed in this section.

As physics theory evolved during the twentieth century, the theories appear to have been shaped more by experimental evidence and less by reason. This is consistent with the idea that science should be based on verifiable evidence to avoid theories becoming unrealistic speculations. Theories with mathematics that accurately reflected the experimental evidence were considered good theories, and the theories were believed to be good representations of reality. This was arguably an effective way to advance physics theory. It led to relativity theory and quantum mechanics and important technological advances based on these theories. It also led to an overconfidence that the theories are correct.

The Philosophy of Science page of this website shows that mathematical models that accurately agree with the experimental evidence and that can accurately predict phenomena may be describing artificial, mathematical realities that are nothing like the physical reality of our universe. It has happened before, as you know. As you can see, the various sections of this website have a bearing on one another.

Interacting Systems
This is another section that pertains to how nature works and how our system of mathematics can be used to understand nature. It helps appreciate the complexity that can occur when simple systems interact.

Thinking and Beliefs
This section also contains information that is not widely known but is believed to be sound and useful. It pertains to our consciousness, motivations, and how we form beliefs. It is based on evidence we can all observe.

Ideas and Principles
This section contains information that can be helpful in life. The ideas and principles are mostly from other people, and are widely recognized as being useful for guiding our thinking.

Regarding ACCURACY in this website
Most of this website deals with subjects where clear communication with the reader is essential and where statements must be consistent with verifiable evidence and sound reasoning. Care has been taken to make this website and the qm view website clear, accurate, and sound. If you find anything you think is not clear or correct, please let us know.

Why this website may have limited appeal
The website involves thinking that differs from the ways most people are accustomed to thinking. Therefore, most will consider it irrelevant or wrong because it disagrees with views they believe are correct. The perceivable reality view, which shows the great uncertainty of past and present belief systems, will seem strange or wrong to those who have learned, and become certain of, a popular view of reality. The qm view will seem wrong to many who have learned relativity theory and have become certain it is correct. In fact the qm view has been rejected by some reviewers simply because it disagrees with relativity theory, and no one at a journal or elsewhere has provided any other reason or evidence to show that it is not sound and plausible. Part of this problem is that the qm view is not easy to understand quickly (although it's easier than relativity theory). If you can understand how it explains constant light speed, c, inertia, gravity, Doppler energy shifts, and a range of other phenomena, we think you will conclude that it probably correctly describes the natural causes of these phenomena. We would welcome your comments or questions about this website.


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